WRITE-OFFS REFUSED: Cabbies warned of insurance repaired taxis as drivers fall foul with licensing
Updated: Apr 9, 2022

Taxi drivers in London have been warned to take care when buying second-hand cabs after cabbies fall foul of WRITTEN OFF black cab purchases.
According to the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA) several cabbies have been buying taxis written off by insurance firms and repaired for re-licensing.
However, upon re-licensing the refurbished cabs at the NSL, the centre REFUSED licensing on the grounds that the vehicles were 'unsafe' to be used as a licensed taxi.
In a message to members LTDA General Secretary, Steve McNamara, said: “Just recently there has been a record number of new cabs sold and correspondingly, a high number of older cabs changing hands. Unfortunately several cabbies, who were not members, bought cabs, one knowingly and one not, that had previously been written off by insurance companies and subsequently repaired.
“Both of these vehicles when presented for licensing at NSL, were refused a licence on the grounds that the vehicle was 'unsafe' to be used as a licensed taxi. I am also aware there have been numerous similar instances with private hire cars.
“If you are considering buying a second hand taxi that is not currently licensed or is licensed outside of London it is essential that you contact us before committing to the purchase. One of the services we offer to members is a free HPI check on taxi purchases. We can then advise if the vehicle has been damaged or is the subject of outstanding finance, again where you could lose out.”