Wolverhampton joins Blackburn licensing officers to SUSPEND private hire with exposed tyre cords
Updated: Jul 15, 2024
City of Wolverhampton Council’s compliance team joined forces with Blackburn and Darwen Borough Council (BDBC) Licensing to conduct taxi and private hire vehicle and driver checks in the Blackburn area.
During these checks, a vehicle was found with tyres exposing their internal cords. This safety breach led to the immediate suspension of the vehicle’s licence.
Tyre safety is a critical aspect of vehicle maintenance, especially when transporting paying members of the public, directly impacting road safety. The legal minimum tread depth for tyres in the UK is 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre and around the entire circumference. Tyres worn beyond this limit are illegal and can compromise grip, handling, and braking.
Drivers are advised to regularly check their tyres for signs of wear and damage. Ensuring tyres meet legal standards is essential not only for compliance but for the safety of all road users.
A City of Wolverhampton Public Protection spokesperson said: “Today, Compliance teamed up with Blackburn and Darwin Borough Council (BDBC) Licensing. BDBC Council to conduct thorough vehicle and driver checks in Blackburn and Darwen and came across this tyre with cords exposed. Vehicle licence suspended!”