Why are different vehicle models of taxi used across the whole of the UK?

If you have ever travelled by taxi in different parts of England, you may have noticed that the vehicles used vary widely. From the iconic black cabs of London to the salon style in Leeds, from the black cabs in Glasgow to the mix of vehicles licensed in Dundee, there is no single standard for taxi models in the UK. Why is that?
The main reason is that taxi licensing and regulation is a local matter, not a national one. Each local authority has the power to set its own rules and conditions for taxi operators and drivers, including the type and age of vehicles that can be used. This means that different areas have different requirements and preferences for taxi models, depending on factors such as safety, accessibility, environmental impact, availability and cost.
For example, London has strict regulations for black cabs, which must meet the Public Carriage Office's Conditions of Fitness. These include having a turning circle of no more than 25 feet, being wheelchair accessible, having a partition between the driver and passengers, and having a certain colour and shape. Black cabs are also subject to an annual inspection and a maximum age limit of 15 years. These rules ensure that black cabs are safe, reliable and consistent, but they also limit the choice and diversity of taxi models in London.
On the other hand, other areas have more relaxed or flexible rules for taxi models, allowing operators and drivers to choose from a wider range of vehicles. For example, in Stoke, there is no maximum age limit for taxis, as long as they pass an annual test. There is also no requirement for taxis to be wheelchair accessible under ‘Grandfather rights’, although some operators may choose to provide this service. This means that Stoke-on-Trent taxis can be any shape or size, but must be black in colour, so long as they meet the basic standards of roadworthiness and comfort.
Another reason why different vehicle models of taxi are used across the UK is that different areas have different market demands and customer preferences. For example, in rural areas, where distances are longer and roads are narrower, smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles may be more suitable and popular than larger and more spacious ones. In urban areas, where traffic is heavier and parking is scarce, larger and more comfortable vehicles may be more desirable and convenient than smaller and more compact ones.
There is no simple answer to why different vehicle models of taxi are used across and national standards in taxi licensing are currently being explored. That said, the local authority will always likely hold the cards in deciding what vehicles will be approved based on market conditions and customer expectations. You could argue that the diversity also reflects the richness and variety of the UK’s culture and geography, offering travellers a unique experience in each region.