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WHAT IS THE AVERAGE LONDON TAXI TIP? Over 50,000 fares analysed to reveal percentage

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

People often pay tips to taxi drivers as a way to show appreciation for good service or to compensate for exceptional service. This can include things like helping with luggage, taking a more efficient route, or simply providing a pleasant and safe journey.

Some people also see tipping as a way to acknowledge the hard work that taxi drivers do, as well as the fact that they are often working long hours for relatively low pay. In many places, it is also considered a social norm to tip service workers, such as taxi drivers, as a way to show gratitude.

Tipping practices can vary widely, and there is no one "common" percentage that people in the UK tip for taxi rides or other services. Some people may choose not to tip at all, while others may tip a small amount as a way to show appreciation for good service. Some people may also choose to tip a higher percentage for exceptional service or for longer cab journeys. It is ultimately up to the individual passenger to decide how much, if any, they would like to tip their taxi driver.

In September 2022 payment app Lopay analysed 57,816 fares paid to more than 2,000 taxi and minicab drivers in London. The data revealed that the average gratuity paid to drivers across the capital was 10% or £3.10, and that passengers are most likely to leave a tip in the evening, between 7pm and midnight. By contrast, late-night revellers are the least likely to leave a tip, with the worst hours for tipping recorded between midnight and 5am.

Londoners were more likely to tip on weekdays than at the weekend, suggesting that those able to claim their fare back as a work expense may be more generous than those paying out of their own pocket.


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