West Lancashire taxi drivers have until 30 April to apply for one-off support grant payment

Taxi drivers licensed with West Lancashire Council only have 7 days left to apply for a one-off support grant payment made available through the Government's Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG).
The Taxi Driver COVID Support Grant scheme is aimed at supporting West Lancashire based taxi drivers who have been significantly impacted throughout the Government's lockdown restrictions.
Eligible taxi drivers may be entitled to a one off payment to cover the cost of the renewal of the Taxi Driver Licence.
Eligibility: A driver may be eligible if they:
have a current and valid Taxi Driver Licence issued by West Lancashire Borough Council before 14th October 2020
do not appear on the Gov.uk bankruptcy or insolvency register
are currently working as a taxi driver within West Lancashire.
Drivers must also confirm they are operating within the State Aid Guidelines.
How much will an eligible driver receive?
Eligible taxi drivers will receive a one off payment of £500 to cover the cost of the renewal of the Taxi Driver Licence.
Government guidance states that COVID-19 Business Support Grants are not intended to act as a wage support measure. If a driver is getting less work or no work because of COVID-19, they might be able to receive support through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.