Welsh taxi drivers set to protest over rank safety & plating costs

Welsh taxi drivers represented by Unite Wales Union are set to demonstrate at Ty Elai in Tonypandy on Thursday 19 August over rank safety and vehicle plating costs.
A spokesperson for Unite Wales, said: “Members have been patient as discussions have taken place with Licensing over a number of weeks, but feel there’s been little urgency.”
Drivers, along with union reps, believe current licensing decisions are putting the trade under continued hardship.
The campaign's main objectives are to:
Stop vehicle plating every four weeks.
Reduce the plating fees.
The need to have ranks removed for public safety.
Get a fairer deal for RCT taxi drivers.
A spokesperson has called on drivers to join the demonstration, saying: “We need you to come and show your support at the demonstration, to make sure taxi drivers voices are heard.
“Don’t rely on other people to do it for you, it‘s time for you to stand up and be counted.”
The demonstration is due to start at 10:30.