VISIBLE ID & LICENSING: ‘Introduce new requirements for cyclists/e-scooters’

A petition to introduce visible identification and licensing for cyclists and e-scooters has reached nearly 10,000 signatures.
Cyclists currently do not require any licensing, or the need to have any visible identification. E-scooters, which have become extremely popular in recent months, are still illegal to ride on public roads unless part of one of the Government‘s rental schemes.
Despite being illegal, police forces around the UK are constantly tackling the use of privately owned e-scooters.
The petition reads: “The Government should require cyclists and e-scooter riders display visible ID, require that cycle lanes be used where available, and introduce a licensing and penalty point system for all cyclists and licensing system for escooter riders.
“Roads are now shared with more cyclists and e-scooters than ever. Yet cyclists and e-scooter riders aren`t currently held accountable in same way as drivers.
“Cycle lanes can be safer yet are often not-used. A licence scheme and penalty points system should ensure responsible cycling and e-scooter use.
“We welcome growth in cycling but this must be tempered with legislation to make roads safer for all.”