TYRES AND PLATES: Avon and Somerset Police run taxi and private hire vehicle compliance checks in Bristol
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TYRES AND PLATES: Avon and Somerset Police run taxi and private hire vehicle compliance checks in Bristol

Avon and Somerset Police conducted a routine check of licensed taxi and private hire vehicles on Bath Road, Bristol, early Tuesday morning.

Over the course of two hours, the special taxi officer inspected 26 vehicles, with most meeting the required standards.

However, several issues were noted:

  • A private hire vehicle (PHV) was found with a front tyre worn down to the cord, posing a significant safety risk.

  • Another PHV had expired plates, and the driver’s badge was also expired, raising concerns about regulatory compliance.

  • A private hire driver (PHD) was caught not wearing a seatbelt when no passengers were on board.

There were a few minor plate and badge discrepancies, which, while less serious, still require attention to maintain overall standards.

These findings highlight the ongoing need for checks in vehicle safety and compliance. Ensuring that all licensed vehicles operate within legal requirements is crucial for the safety of both drivers and passengers.

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