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Perry Richardson

Tory MPs push to halt expected Fuel Duty hike amid huge growing public support

A group of Conservative MPs, led by Saqib Bhatti MBE, will deliver a petition bearing 130,000 signatures to Number 10 Downing Street.

Joining Bhatti on Tuesday 22 October will be Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK. The petition urges the Prime Minister and Chancellor to refrain from raising fuel duty in the upcoming Budget on 30th October.

The growing concern over potential fuel duty hikes has seen over 70 Conservative MPs write to Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, calling for the current freeze on the tax to continue. Public sentiment on the issue has been overwhelming, with over 5,000 FairFuelUK supporters emailing government ministers in just 30 hours, demanding a cut in the tax on fuel.

Last week, a FairFuelUK reception in Parliament drew attendance from 55 Tory MPs, two Liberal Democrats, and only one Labour MP. Despite over 20,000 constituents requesting their MPs to attend, Labour’s absence was notable. The sole Labour MP present declined to comment, hinting that perhaps party members had been directed not to participate.

Tory MPs and the attending Liberal Democrats voiced clear support for either a cut or continued freeze on fuel duty. Labour’s reluctance to engage is likely to fuel concerns that the upcoming Budget may introduce measures unfavourable to motorists.

Howard Cox, Founder of FairFuelUK, said: “Along with the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance and an inevitable National Insurance increase on employers, a hike in fuel duty will be economic & political suicide. In opposition, Labour always supported a continuing freeze on Fuel Duty. Now in Government, they see the UK’s driver only as an easy cash cow to pay for their virtue signalling Net Zero fantasy. 

“According to the Cebr, the long-term impact of increasing fuel duty now could lead to a staggering tax revenue collapse of more than 60% within five years and a fall in GDP. And in our recent opinion poll of over 80,000, 91.2% do not want fuel duty to be increased. We are delivering a 130,000 signatures petition calling the Chancellor to maintain a freeze in duty to No ten at 2 pm on Tuesday.”


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