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Perry Richardson

Tom the Taxi Driver: Do taxi drivers think they own the road?

Taxi drivers often get a bad rep for thinking they ‘own the road’, but is it a fair accusation?

Tom Hutley, a London taxi driver and successful YouTuber, posted his latest video to thousands of subscribers sharing some of the reasons why passengers and motorists might think cabbies are dictating the roads we all drive on. He also, quite rightly, dispels a lot of the myths and explains why taxi drivers have certain driving habits.

The video, which went live on 16 July, runs through why taxi drivers move slowly through certain stretches of roads and why taxis do have to pull over in areas that require traffic to slow or patiently wait.

Tom does however reveal his one bug bear that cannot be defended... over ranking.

Watch the video here…

The cabbie’s YouTube channel has been a massive hit with viewers ever since it first launched in March 2020. The London black cab driver and qualified taxi guide completed the ‘Knowledge of London’ in 2017 after 3 years of studying. Four years into the job he now also has a fast-growing channel with over 35,000 subscribers tuning in.

Tom has also published a book about his time on the Knowledge, and recently progressed to Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers.

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