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Taxi & PHV enforcement sees immediate suspensions and cautions issued across 4 licensing authorities

Michael Murphy

Image credit : Pixabay remixed

Over the last two months traffic officers and council licensing officers have been carrying out checks on taxis and private hire vehicles across Cleveland to ensure that they are roadworthy and safe for passengers.

The operations are being carried out right across Cleveland, in conjunction with four local authorities.

Road’s policing officers and council licensing officers patrol together, stopping taxis and private hire vehicles to ensure that they have the relevant licence and ensuring that the vehicles are fit to be on the road.

So far, three vehicles have been immediately suspended. Five cautions were issued and some operators were provided with advice regarding the condition of their vehicle including no hackney plate displayed, no fire extinguisher or driver badge. These were issues more easily rectified, allowing operators to resume work the same day.

During the ongoing Christmas drink and drug drive campaign, officers are encouraging those who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs not to get behind the wheel and to use alternative transport, such as taxis or buses.

Sergeant Mark Kewley said: “It’s really important for the protection of everyone using the road networks to make sure that all vehicles are safe enough to be on the road so that lives are not put at risk unnecessarily.

“During our drink/drug drive campaign we’ll be encouraging people to use alternative forms of transport, such as taxis, rather than get behind the wheel whilst under the influence. We can recommend using licensed taxis as our partners ensure they meet safety standards.

“Taxi operators should regularly check their vehicles to ensure they are a safe mode of transport. As they’re carrying lots of people every day, it’s also important for us to make sure that they’re safe and operating under the correct regulations.

“We’ll continue working closely with our colleagues in the local council to ensure that we keep people as safe as we possibly can.”

A spokesman for Middlesbrough Council added: “Officers generally found good levels of compliance, however – three vehicle licences were suspended for defects with tyres and lights, and a driver was reported for failing to wear a taxi identification badge and another reported for failing to display a licence plate on his vehicle.”

Councillor Steve Nelson, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Access, Communities and Community Safety, said: “We have a good working relationship with the taxi and private hire trade and operations like this are about making sure high standards are maintained. This is important at all times of year but even more so in the run up to Christmas, when demand for licensed vehicles typically increases. We’re pleased to see the operation has found good levels of compliance, with none of the vehicles we license being suspended.”

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