Taxi Charity goes the extra mile to deliver food supplies to war veterans during COVID-19 isolation

The Taxi Charity has gone the extra mile to ensure war veterans receive vital food supplies during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Last week, the Chairman of the Taxi Charity, Ian Parsons, provided shopping for WWII veteran Harry Rawlins, who lives in Edgware. Harry, an Arnhem veteran, was in the 8th Armoured Brigade, 30 Corps and was part of Operation Market Garden in September 1944. Every year Harry joins the trips organised by the Taxi Charity to the Netherlands for the Arnhem commemoration services
The charity offers international trips to The Netherlands, Belgium and France, UK day trips to concerts or museums, transport to attend fundraising events, as well as special days out to catch up with friends and comrades.
To fund and facilitate these outings, the charity is wholly reliant on generous donations from members of the public, businesses and trusts and the group of London licensed taxi drivers who offer their time and vehicles free.
Ian Parsons, Chairman of the Taxi Charity, said: “We know that many of our veterans have a support network of friends and family but at this unprecedented time the charity needs to do all it can to ensure that none of the veterans are without someone to do their shopping or someone to speak to when they need to talk.“
Ian called at the local supermarket and delivered bags of shopping to Harry’s door and had a chat, while always maintaining the required two metres distance.
Harry Rawlins, WWII veteran, said: “The Taxi Charity are truly a lifeline. For many years I have joined the charity on trips to the continent to pay my respects to the comrades who didn’t come home, on day trips throughout the South East and at parties and social gatherings. The care they show to us veterans is amazing and they have really enriched my life by giving me the opportunity to meet regularly with other veterans. Being socially isolated is very difficult but the regular contact I receive from Ian and Anne, his wife and knowing that there are always people that I can call on for help is a very reassuring position to be in.”
The Taxi Charity has had to put all its fundraising activities on hold due to the Coronavirus restrictions so if you could help the charity please do consider donating at;
Image credit: Taxi Charity