TAXI CCTV REVIEW: Derby City Council launch public consultation on the introduction of cameras

Derby City Council have launched a public consultation on the introduction of CCTV cameras in hackney carriage and private hire vehicles (PHV).
In July 2020 following consultation with taxi trade, regulators and safety campaign groups, the Department of Transport (DfT) issued statutory standards to licensing authorities, outlining how they should carry out their taxi and PHV licensing function.
As a result of the new standards, the Council are now reviewing the need for CCTV within hackney carriage and private hire vehicles.
The standards ask for all licensing authorities to consult or identify if there are local circumstances which indicate that the installation of CCTV in vehicles would have either a positive or an adverse net effect on the safety of passengers in cabs.
The purpose of CCTV systems within taxis should be to:
Deterring and preventing the occurrence of crime;
Reducing the fear of crime;
Assisting the Police in investigating incidents of crime;
Assisting insurance companies in investigating motor vehicle accidents.
Derby City Council said: “We are now consulting on whether there should be the installation of CCTV systems within hackney carriage and/or private hire vehicles licensed by the Council. As set out above, in order to require CCTV in hackney carriage or private hire vehicles, the Council would need to be able to demonstrate that this is a proportionate response to local issues and can be justified.”