SIXTY FIVE rogue rickshaws seized by police in London Christmas crackdown
Updated: Dec 27, 2019
A colossal 65 rogue pedicabs, fitted with adapted motors to make them go faster, have been seized by police following an operation in the lead up to Christmas.
Over 50 pedicabs were inspected during the operation on Saturday 21 December. Officers seized 30 pedicabs, which were classified as motor vehicles due to their motor power outage.
In the past two months, prior to last Saturday’s operation, a further 35 rickshaws have been seized for having no insurance.
Up to 45 Metropolitan Special Constabulary (MSC) officers from the Vehicle Enforcement Team, Westminster BCU, Road and Traffic Policing Command and Soho Safer Neighbourhoods Team were deployed to areas across central London including Oxford Street, Regent Street, Bond Street and Covent Garden, to disrupt and deter anti-social behaviour and any other related offences involving pedicabs.
Converted rickshaws have a power outage which requires them to be taxed, insured and registered. Drivers of modified rickshaws also require a driving licence.
The rickshaws were seized under s.165 Road Traffic Act for having no insurance, with each rider also being given a written warning under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
Acting Special Inspector, Geoff Tatman of the Met’s Vehicle Enforcement Team, said: "This weekend’s operation was aimed at targeting pedicabs, which have been fitted with electric motors. The alteration results in their overall power outage and speed being increased, and subsequently defines them as motor vehicles with the requirement for appropriate documentation.
“We are determined to keep the streets of central London safe for all, and this successful operation demonstrates that those who choose to flout the law will be dealt with robustly."
Image credit: Metropolitan Police