SHORT BACK & INSIDES: 2 Liverpool PHVs handed suspension notices for use of illegal tyres
Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Two Liverpool City Council licensed private hire vehicles were suspended with immediate effect after roadside checks revealed they were being operated with tyres below the legal tread limit.
Random spot-checks were carried out on 5 December by Liverpool City Council Licensing alongside officers from Merseyside Roads Policing Unit.
Liverpool City Council have warned drivers to check their tyres properly before heading out for a shift or risk facing the same action if caught driving on unroadworthy tyres.
A spokesperson for Liverpool City Council said via Twitter @lcc_licensing: "Licensing officers are again working with colleagues from Merseyside Roads Policing Unit in various locations around Liverpool.
"2x PHV vehicles have been suspended for operating with illegal tyres. Please ensure to check the rear tyres properly as well as those on the front."