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Perry Richardson

‘Sexual Predator’ posing as taxi driver jailed for multiple rapes in Hertfordshire

Image credit: Hertfordshire Police

A man described as a ‘sexual predator’ posing as a taxi driver has been jailed for multiple rapes in Hertford.

Frank Manuel, 32, from Cheshunt, was sentenced to 18 years in prison at St

Albans Crown Court after being convicted of serious sexual offences, including three counts of rape.

The sentence, delivered on Monday, comes with an additional two-year extended licence period.

Manuel was found guilty in June 2024 following a seven-day trial. The court heard that on 30 April 2023, he posed as a taxi driver and offered a lift to a 22-year-old woman after a night out in Hertford. He drove her to secluded locations where he repeatedly assaulted and raped her. Each time she attempted to scream, he strangled her.

The victim managed to escape and was found by a member of the public on Ware Road (A602), who took her to Ware train station and called the police.

Manuel was arrested two days later after investigators traced the victim's phone, which had been left in his car.

In addition to the prison sentence, Manuel has been given a lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order. The order prevents him from being alone with any non-family female without disclosing his conviction. Judge Donne KC described him as a "sexual predator".

Detective Constable Jasbir Pawar, who led the investigation, said: “This was a horrific incident which will have a lasting impact on the victim. After enjoying a night out with a friend, all she wanted to do was go home. But Manuel took advantage of her vulnerability and committed these awful crimes.

“I hope the victim and her family feel a sense of closure and that justice has now been served, although nothing will erase what this man has done. We could not have achieved this result without the assistance of the public and witnesses who came forward. Thank you to all the teams and colleagues who helped with this investigation.

“I’d like to commend the victim on her bravery and courage which she showed throughout the investigation and court process. This was a traumatic incident and I hope now this result provides some comfort knowing Manuel is behind bars and will not be able to do this to anyone else. She will continue to be supported by specialist officers and agencies along with her family.

“I’d like to reassure members of the public that incidents like this are extremely rare in Hertfordshire. If there is anyone wishing to report a rape or sexual assault, please know you will always be treated sensitively and with respect.”

The victim’s parents said: “We would like to thank all those who have been a source of support to our daughter and our family since this assault happened. In particular, we’d like to thank the driver who stopped to help our daughter when they saw her stranded at the side of the road in the early hours of that morning, when many others drove past. Our thanks to DC Jasbir Pawar for his continued support and excellent work on this case and to the Judge and jury for ensuring that justice was served, and the sentence reflected the severity of this crime.

“Our daughter had the bravery and determination to pursue this conviction and we are incredibly proud of her in doing so. We hope this substantial sentence will help in her recovery.”


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