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CMT Jan 25.gif

Reckless private hire driver reported following dangerous motorway slip road U-TURN incident

Perry Richardson

Image credit: Higher Blackley & Charlestown Police Division

A private hire driver's reckless actions on a M60 motorway slip road have sparked concern, leading to their immediate reporting to the courts by the Greater Manchester Police (GMP).

In a social media post, a spokesperson for the Higher Blackley & Charlestown Police Division shared shocking details of the incident.

The driver, operating a private hire vehicle, made the inexplicable decision to turn around on the J19 M60 slip road, risking the safety of themselves and other road users.

In a daring and highly dangerous move, the driver proceeded to drive the wrong way up the slip road to exit the motorway, only to find themselves face-to-face with a passing GMP Specials patrol on the roundabout.

The GMP Specials patrol quickly intervened, ensuring the safety of all individuals involved. The private hire driver was immediately reported to the courts.

A Higher Blackley & Charlestown Police (GMP) spokesperson said via social media: “The driver of this private hire "taxi" decided to turn around... on the J19 M60 slip road!

“He then drove the wrong way up the slip road to leave the motorway & get back onto the roundabout where he was greeted by our passing GMP Specials patrol. Driver reported to the courts.”

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