Private hire vehicles suspended and drivers reported as multiple illegal tyres found in Liverpool

Two private hire vehicles in the Liverpool area have had their licences suspended after police and licensing officials found multiple slick illegal tyres.
Liverpool City Council (LCC) and Merseyside Police were back out conducting roads vehicle and licensing checks on taxi and private hire vehicles (PHV) operating in the area.
One vehicle checked, a silver Knowsley licensed PHV Toyota with a cracked front bumper, was suspended after officers found an illegally worn tyre attached to the car.
The driver of the vehicle has also been reported for the offence.
An LCC spokesperson said via social media: “Liverpool Licensing Officers and Merseyside Police have been inspecting licensed vehicles in a roadside operation this evening.
“This Knowsley PHV was suspended for having an illegal tyre and the driver reported for the offence.”
In a further incident, a second vehicle was also suspended. This time for multiple illegally worn tyres. The Sefton licensed white Ford PHV was found to be driving with two worn front tyres.
The driver has also been reported for the offence.
An LCC spokesperson said: “Sefton PHV inspected this evening by Licensing Officers had two illegal front tyres. Vehicle suspended and driver to be reported for the offence.
“It takes just a few minutes to check your vehicles tyres to ensure that it remains safe for you and your passengers.”
LCC and Merseyside Police have confirmed the operation carrying out roadside checks on licensed vehicles will continue throughout the ‘coming months’.