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Petrol and diesel car owners could be set for new scrappage payout scheme to encourage switch to EV

Michael Murphy

According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, the UK is close to announcing a new car scrappage scheme for petrol and diesel car owners.

The new scheme could see £6,000 offered to those car owners who are willing to switch to an electric model, it has been reported.

UK Government currently have a similar scheme in place, the Plug-in Car Grant, designed to encourage a boost in electric vehicle sales, but it was scaled back in March as the amount offered reduced to £3,000.

The scheme is also similar to one in place for London’s iconic taxis. Transport for London (TfL) launched its enhanced delicensing fund that supports taxi drivers who want to delicense their Euro 3, 4 or 5 diesel vehicles, encouraging the switch to the new LEVC TXE cab.

Following the announcement of £24m funding from the Mayor, TfL restructured the taxi delicensing scheme, with payments of up to £8,000 becoming available to current applicants, having allocated all the payments at the £10,000 and £9,000 level.

According to the report, Boris Johnson could be set to publicly announce the new scheme in early July in an attempt to push the growth of motor sales following a dramatic downturn in sales since COVID-19 battered the global economy.

Image credit: Pixabay

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