PCNs continue to flood in for motorists parking illegally on taxi ranks in Nottingham
Updated: Oct 3, 2021

Enforcement officers from Nottingham City Council (NCC) Licensing have continued to issue a number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to motorists who have parked illegally on hackney carriage taxi ranks.
TaxiPoint recently reported on figures released by the NCC which revealed a total of 81 PCNs were issued throughout the month of August.
The NCC has now released data from the month of September. The figures show that a total of 71 PCNs were issued.
Long Row taxi rank saw the highest amount of tickets issued, with 22. Parliament Street wasn't far behind with a total of 19 PCNs.
Other ranks which saw tickets issued included Peachey Street (11), Wheeler Gate (9), Fletcher Gate (5), Milton Street (2), and Angel Row, Barker Gate, South Sherwood Street all receiving one PCN each.
Designated taxi ranks are to only be used by licensed hackney carriage taxis. In most cases vehicles should not be left unattended unless signage advises otherwise.
Blocking taxi ranks can make it difficult for licensed drivers to access the working bays, obstructing their ability to work. It can also cause issues for members of the public who look to hail a taxi from one of the allocated ranks.