Out-of-town private hire vehicle SUSPENDED in Liverpool after exposed cords found on tyre

A Sefton licensed private hire vehicle working in Liverpool has been suspended after Liverpool City Council Licensing Officers discovered a dangerously worn tyre during a compliance inspection. The council confirmed that the driver will be reported for the offence.
In a shared image via social media, the illegal tyre was seen to have dangerous white cords exposed throughout the inside of the tyre.
Under UK law, tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre and around its entire circumference. This legal requirement is in place to maintain road safety, as worn tyres significantly increase stopping distances and the risk of aquaplaning in wet conditions.
Drivers found with tyres below the legal limit can face a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points per tyre. If multiple tyres fail to meet the required standard, the penalties can quickly add up, with the possibility of a driving ban if enough points are accumulated.
The discovery in Sefton serves as a reminder that licensed vehicles, which often cover high mileage, require regular tyre checks. Authorities continue to urge drivers to inspect their tyres frequently to ensure they remain within legal limits and roadworthy condition.
A Liverpool City Council Licensing spokesperson said on social media: “This tyre was discovered on a Sefton PHV by Liverpool Licensing Officers during a compliance inspection.
“The vehicles PHV licence was suspended and the driver will be reported for the offence. Licensed vehicles clock up the miles - for safety's sake, please check your tyres!”