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NEW POWERS: TfL will start issuing fines to motorists that cross over white lines of cycle lanes

Image credit: TfL

Transport for London (TfL) will begin issuing fines to motorists that drive within, or cross, the white lines of cycle lanes that are marked by a solid white line and cycle tracks on TfL’s Road Network (TLRN) from next week.

The main aim of cycle lanes is to keep people cycling separated from most motor traffic, reducing the risk of collisions. TfL hope that by reducing non-compliance it will help improve safety and the confidence of cyclists as part of TfL’s Cycling Action Plan and Vision Zero goal of eliminating death and serious injury on the road network.

The Government has introduced new powers allowing TfL and London boroughs to fine motorists who infringe on cycle lanes and cycle tracks in the same way that they currently do for bus lanes and yellow box junctions. These powers were introduced at the same time as wider national changes giving local authorities in England outside of London the powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions. Initially, TfL will use existing CCTV cameras to enforce contraventions in cycle lanes and cycle tracks at key locations across its road network.

TfL confirmed licensed taxi drivers who require curb side access to pick-up and drop-off passengers CAN still enter cycle lanes without risk of enforcement. Roadside access is also vital when deploying wheelchair ramps quickly and safely when hailed down by the public.

Siwan Hayward, TfL's Director of Compliance, Policing, Operations and Security, said: “We welcome the introduction of the new enforcement powers in London. Protecting designated space for cyclists is essential in keeping them safe and improving confidence to cycle. We will start enforcing in key locations in London to deter drivers contravening the road rules. We want to ensure a green and sustainable future for London, and to do this we must continue to make walking and cycling round our city safe and accessible to all Londoners.”

Will Norman, London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, said: “Making London’s streets safer is our top priority. These new enforcement powers will deter motorists from infringing on crucial space specifically designated to keep cyclists safe and will help improve cyclist’s confidence when getting around the capital.

“Enabling more Londoners to walk and cycle continues to be at the heart of the Mayor’s vision to create a healthier, cleaner and more sustainable London for everyone – these new powers will play an important role in that.”


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