Moray Council launches consultation on taxi tariff changes
Moray Council has launched a month-long consultation on taxi fares, seeking views on whether the current maximum charge should remain unchanged.
As the licensing authority, the Council is legally required to review taxi fares every 18 months. The current maximum rate stands at £3.96 for the first mile, with an additional charge of 33p for every tenth of a mile thereafter. The proposal under review suggests keeping fares at this level.
The maximum fare sets the highest amount a taxi operator can charge, but drivers can choose to charge less. The consultation, which follows an informal discussion with local taxi operators at the end of 2024, runs from Thursday 6 February to Thursday 20 March.
Councillor Paul McBain, Chair of the Licensing Committee, said: “It’s important that we have a fare structure in place that works for both taxi operators and the public, and this consultation supports us in doing that.”