Minister cools idea for uniform taxi and private hire licensing during MPs questions
Updated: 20 hours ago
A Department for Transport minister has poured water over a call to impose uniform licensing regulations for taxis and private hire vehicles across local authorities in England.
Manuela Perteghella, Liberal Democrat MP for Stratford-on-Avon, asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether steps would be taken to require local authorities to adopt the same licensing standards for both sectors.
Simon Lightwood, Minister at the Department for Transport (DfT), confirmed that the Government will not introduce such a requirement. He emphasised that the current system gives licensing authorities the flexibility to set standards they deem appropriate for their areas.
Lightwood added that the DfT has issued statutory and best practice guidance to help local authorities promote safe and accessible services through proportionate regulation. He stated that this guidance is intended to encourage greater consistency in licensing policies for taxis and private hire vehicles, but ultimate responsibility remains with individual councils.
This decision leaves existing variations in licensing standards unchanged, with local authorities retaining control over their regulatory frameworks.
Lightwood said: “The Government is responsible for setting the regulatory structure within which licensing authorities in England administer the taxi and private hire vehicle licensing regime. Under this system licensing authorities have the flexibility to set standards they consider appropriate.
“The Department for Transport has however issued statutory and best practice guidance to assist licensing authorities with this function, to promote safe and accessible services through proportionate regulation. This should increase consistency in requirements and policies for taxis and private hire vehicles.”