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Perry Richardson

Magistrates' Court fines private hire driver for multiple offences after rejecting ‘Taxi Cop’ fixed fine

A private hire driver has been handed £703 in fines and costs after being found guilty of several offences during a routine road check conducted by Avon and Somerset Police.

PC Patrick Quinton, known as the force’s ‘Taxi Cop’, stopped the driver in July and discovered multiple issues with the vehicle and its documentation. Among the infractions were a tyre below the legal tread limit of 1.6mm, three faulty lights, and a failure to display both the required private hire plate and driver badge.

Initially, the driver was offered the option to accept three penalty points on their licence along with a £100 fixed penalty fine. However, they refused the offer, leading to a prosecution in court.

Magistrates ruled against the driver, issuing a £703 fine inclusive of court costs and confirming three penalty points on their driving record. The case has now been referred to the local council for further review to determine if additional action will be taken.

PC Quinton added that failing to display private hire plates and badges is not just a regulatory breach but a criminal offence, potentially resulting in a conviction.

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