London taxi industry granted November court date ahead of Bishopsgate and Streetspace review
The taxi industry has been granted a court date to Judicially Review the Bishopsgate and ‘Streetspace’ road restrictions.
The courts are set to hear the taxi trade’s argument over two days next month starting 25 November.
This summer two taxi groups joined together to submit legal papers to the High Court, challenging not only the new Bishopsgate Bus Gate scheme that excludes licensed black cabs during peak times, but also a review of the entire London Streetspace plans.
The Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA) and United Trade Action Group (UTAG) took the decision to challenge both the Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL) over its new Streetspace plans as more key roads are closed to motorists and licensed taxis.
The new traffic restrictions on Bishopsgate and Gracechurch Street in the City of London are in operation on weekdays between 7am and 7pm and only allow access through the gates to buses and cyclists.
A spokesperson from UTAG said via social media: “We are pleased to announce that UTAG in conjunction with the LTDA have been granted a court date for our Judicial Review.
“The days of 25th/26th November have been set aside to hear our argument on street space and Bishopsgate bus gate.
“Thank you for your continued support.”