London private hire driver raped a female passenger before going on to sexually assault 2 others
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London private hire driver raped a female passenger before going on to sexually assault 2 others

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

Image credit : Metropolitan Police

A private hire driver has pleaded guilty to raping a woman in Croydon before going on to sexually assault two more in North London.

Appearing at Croydon Crown Court on Wednesday, 26 January, Homayon Ahmadi, 33, of Uxbridge, also pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault.

He will be sentenced at the same court on Thursday, 3 March.

On 19 April 2021, a 41-year-old woman called police to say she had been picked up by a cab earlier that evening. During the journey, he pulled over in the car and raped her.

Detectives immediately launched an investigation and began extensive enquiries in an attempt to identify the suspect and the vehicle he was driving.

While the investigation was ongoing, a 21-year-old women called police on 25 July 2021, saying that she and a friend had been picked up by a cab in central London.

During the journey, the driver stopped off at an off licence and purchased whisky. He then offered the women the alcohol and asked that they come back to his house.

The women felt threatened and attempted to get out of the car while on Hornsey Street, N7.

As they did so, Ahmadi grabbed both women and sexually assaulted them before driving away from the scene.

CCTV enquiries and analysis of mobile phone data led officers to identify a suspect buying whisky in a shop he had stopped at during the journey. A media appeal including an image from the CCTV was issued and in December 2021 Ahmadi was subsequently identified and arrested. Forensics linked him to the earlier rape.

In his police interview, Ahmadi denied all of the offences. A search of his car found a purple pencil case filled with condoms and baby oil in the glove compartment.

Detective Constable Natalie Alchin, who led the investigation, said: “Ahmadi is a dangerous and predatory offender who used his position as a private hire driver to target vulnerable women as they made their way home.

“The victims in this case showed great courage in coming forward to police. They have played a vital part in his conviction and we hope that this case encourages other women who have been subject to sexual offences to come forward.

“There may be other victims of Ahmadi who until now have not spoken to police. If you believe this is you, please contact us on 101. We have specialist officers who will support you.

“Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers completely anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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