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London licensed private hire driver distracted by Sat Nav caught running a red light

Michael Murphy

Image credit: Twitter-@PCHarryRance

A Transport for London private hire driver has been reported for running a red light while being distracted by a satellite navigation system.

PC Harry Rance, City of London Roads Policing officer, highlighted the incident on his Twitter account @PCHarryRance, saying: "This private hire vehicle was so busy looking at his SatNav that he drove straight through a red light.

"Stopped and reported."

The use of sat navs were talk of the Twitter feed, with one person saying: "No concentration whatsoever, well not on the road anyhow. They get a tad confused."

Another wrote: "Ban satellite navigation that needs in-car touch input. Learn London's roads the proper way."

Another commented: "Sat Navs are the silent reason for I'd imagine 90% of careless driving. Too many relying on them to drive."

The minimum penalty for running a red light is 3 points and a £100 fine (the points will remain on the driver’s licence for four years). Prosecution may occur where any part of a motor vehicle crosses the white line at a red traffic light. Increased penalties may be imposed to reflect more severe offences.

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