A London licensed private hire driver will face points on his licence after getting caught reversing down a restricted slip road back onto a major motorway.
Essex Roads Policing Unit-South caught the driver of the silver Toyota Prius in November attempting to re-join the M25 at Stapleford Abbotts after taking a wrong turn, and realising he was about to enter a slip road which is to only be used by authorised vehicles.
According to a spokesperson for the ERPU-South, the driver blamed his sat nav for the wrong turn.
But officers made it clear that it's the responsibility of the driver to understand the highway code.
In a tweet, which has been reposted over a hundred times, the ERPU-South, wrote: '#M25 #StaplefordAbbotts This driver must have had a different version of the highway code to me. Reversing on a restricted off slip on the motorway because the sat nav took them the wrong way. #onewaytickettopoints CG/RL.'
The driver of this Transport for London licensed private hire vehicle will now face points on their licence for careless and dangerous driving.
Image credit: Twitter - @EP_RPU_South