reveals the three most common offences taxi drivers face in London
A spokesperson has highlighted the top three offences that London taxi drivers are most commonly penalised for.
The offences listed within a post on social media include exceeding 24mph in a 20mph zone, careless driving due to a close pass, and using a handheld device. Each carries potential penalties that can impact a driver’s licence, livelihood and finances.
Exceeding 24mph in a 20mph Zone
London’s roads are increasingly subject to 20mph limits, particularly in central areas and residential streets. Many drivers find themselves penalised for travelling at 24mph in these zones, despite it being a relatively small margin over the limit.
The penalties for this offence can include a £100 fine and three penalty points on a driving licence. In some cases, drivers may be offered a speed awareness course instead of penalty points. However, repeated offences or higher speeds could result in more severe consequences, including a court summons and higher fines.
Close Pass / Careless Driving
A close pass refers to overtaking a cyclist or another road user without leaving sufficient space. This falls under careless driving, which can also include sudden lane changes, aggressive driving, or failing to show due consideration to other road users.
The penalties vary depending on the severity of the incident. Drivers can receive a fixed penalty notice of £100 and three penalty points. In more serious cases, a court could impose higher fines, more penalty points, or even a disqualification from driving.
Using a Handheld Device
The use of handheld mobile devices while driving is strictly prohibited. Even holding a phone at traffic lights or in stationary traffic can result in penalties. The law applies to all forms of handheld communication, including checking messages or setting navigation while holding a phone in hand.
Drivers caught using a handheld device face a £200 fine and more significantly, six penalty points. Licensing regulator Transport for London (TfL) are seen to take these offences seriously and they will result in strong licensing action being taken.
According to the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA) the driver will get a suspension and/or a revocation of their licence. They also warned drivers to be careful when filling out a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) as they can lead to receiving a Single Justice Procedure Notice (SJPN).