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It now costs £4 to drop off a passenger at East Midlands Airport's "Rapid Drop Zone"

Michael Murphy

Image credit Geograph - Robin Stott

The price of dropping a customer at East Midlands airport's 'Rapid Drop Zone', has now officially risen from £3 to £4.

Taxi drivers and other motorists will now get 15 minutes for the minimum charge to complete the drop off, rather than the previous 10 minutes.

East Midlands airport bosses say the increase is due to the financial impact of the coronavirus.

It is hoped that the new increase will reduce the financial impact of COVID-19 and keep the airport operational.

An airport spokesperson said: "Few areas have been hit harder by the economic impacts of COVID-19 than aviation and East Midlands Airport is not immune.

"Between late March and July, generally the busiest time for air travel from this airport, there were no passenger flights at EMA.

“In response to the significant financial impact this has had, a number of steps have been taken.

"Airport staff were laid off to match resources to demand and costs, fees and charges were reassessed for all airport users including passengers, airlines and other users of the site.

“The decision to increase the Rapid Deposit Fee (RDO) from £ 3 for 10 minutes to £ 4 for 15 minutes has been included in a review of parking prices.

“This increase is in line with prices at other UK airports and is just one of the many options available to people using the airport, including 1 hour free parking in long-stay car park 1.”

The resurfacing of the disposal area should be completed in the coming days.

The spokesperson added: “Over the past 12 months, investments have been made to resurface the Rapid Drop off area and parking lots, and to install new and improved barriers. This work will be completed in the coming weeks.

“Price increases are never welcome, but with such a long passenger-free period and drastically reduced passenger numbers for the foreseeable future, measures like this will help us reduce the financial impact of COVID-19 and to keep the airport operational.“

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