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Perry Richardson

High-tech speed cameras that can capture speeding motorists in BOTH DIRECTIONS set for UK roads

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Image credit: Vision Zero South West

In a successful trial conducted in Devon and Cornwall, high-tech multi-directional speed cameras have emerged as the latest tool to combat speeding on British roads. These devices, capable of detecting speeding motorists in both directions, have already caught thousands of drivers during the initial trial period in the south west.

The pilot project involved the installation of four of these groundbreaking cameras, resulting in a staggering 3,280 drivers being issued tickets within a mere two-week period. Transport authorities have now made assurances that if the project continues to prove successful, a nationwide rollout will be implemented, making these new high-tech cameras a common sight across Britain.

Unlike older systems which could only detect speeding in the left-hand lane, the new cameras have the capability to capture drivers on both sides of the road. This is achieved by utilising a single camera facing each direction, effectively monitoring vehicles in two lanes traveling in opposite directions. Moreover, these ultra speed cameras do not rely on painted road lines like their outdated counterparts.

The bi-directional cameras are equipped with infrared, low light technology, eliminating the need for a flash that would typically alert speeding drivers. Differing from the familiar yellow box cameras, these discrete cameras are placed on top of tall poles, painted yellow for maximum visibility.

The effectiveness of these cameras was evident during the trial, as incidents such as a motorist clocking 73mph in a 30mph zone were identified. Road safety experts hope that the implementation of these bi-directional speed cameras will result in capturing even more speeding motorists, thus promoting consistent adherence to safe and legal driving speeds.

While the scheme is currently being installed on roads in Devon and Cornwall, with four cameras already operational, other local authorities are expected to adopt these new ultra speed cameras across different regions of the country. This development follows recent statistics revealing that one in four fatal collisions on UK roads are a direct consequence of speeding, causing over 2,500 serious injuries or fatalities annually.

In light of these advancements, road safety experts from Road Angel are reminding all motorists to take responsibility for driving safely within the speed limit. The high-tech cameras serve as a crucial tool in improving road safety and preventing accidents caused by inappropriate speeding.

Gary Digva, Founder of Road Angel, said: “Introducing these multi-directional speed cameras is a positive step forward in helping to reduce the number of accidents caused by motorists excessively speeding each year.

“By capturing vehicles travelling in both directions, the new cameras will be able to penalise many more motorists than the old legacy systems are currently able to.

“Although there is still a long way to go to stop motorists from driving above the limit, and reduce the number of fatalities and injuries that speeding causes, we hope that the new speed cameras will make all Brits think twice before putting their foot down.

“Not only will you be slapped with a hefty fine of up to £1,000, points on your licence and the potential to be disqualified from driving, you’re also seriously putting your own and other road user’s lives in serious danger.

Image credit: Vision Zero South West

Adrian Leisk, Devon & Cornwall Police’s Head of Road Safety and chair of the Vision Zero South West enforcement committee, said: “It is disappointing to see the number of vehicles that have been detected travelling at excess speed on these routes, but the speeds some of them have been travelling at are worrying.

“All of these cameras are located in 30mph zones and already two of them have caught drivers travelling at more than double that speed. It’s just not acceptable.

“We’ve gone to great lengths to publicise the fact that these new cameras have been installed at these locations, where they are sited in full view on bright yellow poles. It is disappointing drivers continue to put their own and other people’s lives at risk by failing to comply with speed limits.

“Please take this as another warning that these cameras are fully operational and are already catching far, far too many speeding motorists. The whole purpose of publicising this information is to slow people down. The success of the schemes will be measured by reduced activations as people lower their speeds.

“We have much to do in changing behaviour and will be installing many more schemes in the coming months, with similar publicity. It surprises me, that in a cost of living crisis and climate emergency people still travel in excess of speed limits, burning more fuel and increasing wear and tear on brakes and tyres. Slowing down saves you money too!

“As I’ve said many times before, there is a very easy way to avoid a speeding conviction, just stick to the speed limits.”


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