TICKETS ISSUED: Garda Police catch two taxi drivers using their phones while driving
Two taxi drivers were caught using their mobile phones while driving by Naas Roads Policing Team, prompting a reminder to motorists that distracted driving causes collisions.
11 motorists in total, two of which were the taxi drivers, were found to be operating a mobile phone whilst behind the wheel in the Naas, Newbridge and Clane areas.
Taking to social media to highlight the offences, a spokesperson for Garda Police @GardaTaffic said: "Naas Roads Policing Units issued 11 FCPNs to drivers using their phones while driving, including 2 taxi drivers in Naas, Newbridge and Clane recently.
"Distracted driving causes collisions. Safe driving requires your full concentration at all times."
Members of the public took to the Twitter feed to comment, with one saying: "Taxi driver in Waterford has 2 mobile phones stuck to his windscreen directly in front of him."
Some taxi drivers, and most private hire drivers, now use ride-hailing apps to receive jobs. To do so they need access to their mobile phones to accept fares, meaning many now have at least one mobile device attached to either their windscreen or dashboard.
Relying on the interaction with a mobile device to gain job opportunities has always created debate over safety within the taxi and private hire industry.
Currently it is not against the law to accept a fare by way of interacting with a mobile device as long as the phone is secured to a holder, although if the driver's actions are deemed to have caused them to drive without due care and attention, they can be charged with the offence.