FRESH ATTIRE: Smart shirts & trousers form part of new taxi driver dress code policy in Preston
Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Taxi and private hire drivers licensed in Preston will now be expected to adhere to a new dress code policy as the council looks to tidy up the appearance of the trade.
Male taxi and PHV drivers will be expected to wear trousers and a short or long-sleeved shirt with a full body. During the warmer months of the year, male drivers will also be permitted to wear knee-length tailored shorts.
Female cabbies will have the option of either a short or long-sleeved blouse or shirt with either trousers or a knee-length skirt – or a dress. They, too, will also be allowed to wear tailored shorts in warmer weather, but must come down at least as far as the knee.
The new regulations form part of Preston City Council's new taxi licensing policy, which hasn't been refreshed since 2013.
Some of the rules which were in the previous dress code regulations have been carried over into the latest version.
Current dress code regulations which will continue to be enforced include a ban on flip-flops, sandals without heel straps and hoodies.
Drivers are also being asked to ensure their clothing is free from any holes or rips to maintain a clean professional look for the trade as a whole.