Food delivery driver has new £1,200 e-scooter seized for no insurance a day after purchasing it

A delivery driver is more than £1,000 out-of-pocket after buying an e-scooter to transport takeaways – only to have it seized the very next day.
The 20-year-old has had the vehicle seized after he was spotted by officers riding it on the pavement in Newcastle city centre on Wednesday morning.
He had been using the private e-scooter to deliver takeaways but after officers spoke to him it emerged he was not insured to drive the vehicle.
The scooter, which he had bought for £1,200 just one day earlier, was seized and the man now faces a day in court after he was reported for careless driving and driving with no insurance.
A spokesperson for Northumbria Police said: "Please remember that it is illegal to use private e-scooters in public areas. If you do then your vehicle could be seized, you could receive points on your licence and you could be fined.
"We don’t want any pedestrians or e-scooter riders to be injured through careless or dangerous driving so please show respect for your community."
Public hire scooters are already covered by insurance but users still need to hold a valid licence to be able to ride them and could be prosecuted if driven carelessly.