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FIVE Pembrokeshire taxis found to "have issues with them" during evening of police checks

Michael Murphy

Image credit : Twitter @PembsRPU

A total of five taxis were found to be operating with safety issues during an evening of roadside checks by Pembrokeshire Roads Policing Team.

Local policing units, sometimes along with local licensing authorities, carry out targeted roadside checks of licensed taxis and private hire vehicles to make sure regulations and standards are upheld within the trade.

Detailed vehicle checks, as well as checks on the drivers, such as their licence and insurance status, are normally amongst the checks carried out.

Depending on the seriousness of any issues found, drivers can face repercussions such as fines, immediate vehicle prohibitions and even the loss of their taxi/private hire licence if the offence warrants.

Using social media to highlight the evening of enforcement checks, a spokesperson for Pembrokeshire Roads Policing said: "Taxi checks conducted in the south of the County yesterday evening, in the company of staff from Pembrokeshire.

"A total of five of the taxis that were stopped, were found to have issues with them."

Officers did not detail what the issues were nor how many taxis were checked in total.

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