On Monday 18 November, Luton Magistrates Court dismissed an appeal by Mr Yaqoob Hussain against the Council's decision to refuse to renew his Dual Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence.
Mr Hussain of Portland Road, Luton, was refused a licence on 29 November 2018 due to his continued dishonest and fraudulent behaviour, and touting and/or plying for hire at London Luton Airport, causing concern about his conduct as a licenced driver.
As a result, he was not considered a fit and proper person to be in a position of trust as a licenced driver.
Mr Hussain appealed against this decision and was heard by a lay bench at Luton Magistrates Court, who found in favour of the council’s decision and the appeal was dismissed.
Mr Hussain was ordered to pay £250 costs. Laura Church, Corporate Director, Place and Infrastructure, said: “Applying for a Private Hire or Hackney Carriage licence is not just a case of completing a form, we check all applications thoroughly to ensure they meet required standards and we expect drivers to conduct themselves in a law abiding and professional manner.
“The majority of our existing drivers do adhere to the rules put in place for public safety. However those committing any motoring or criminal offences, or behaving inappropriately while working as a Private Hire or a Hackney Carriage Driver, do place their licence and means of earning a living at risk. We will do all we can to ensure that our residents safety is put first.”
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