Councillors to review taxi demand and accessibility in Dumfries & Galloway

A report examining taxi services in Dumfries & Galloway is set to be presented to councillors later this month, following a survey conducted last year.
The study assessed taxis, private hire vehicles, and wheelchair-accessible vehicles across the region. It aimed to identify whether supply meets demand, where shortfalls exist, and how accessibility could be improved.
Currently, only three wheelchair-accessible vehicles operate in the region out of 245 licensed vehicles. Addressing this low number is expected to be a key focus of the discussions.
The report will also look at the region’s maximum fare structures, with potential revisions being considered. Officers are due to present full options by early next year.
Councillor Ben Dashper said: “A report will come before Councillors later this month to summarise these points and more, and officers will be presenting full options by early next year.”