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Cheltenham cabbies call for delay in strict wheelchair accessible vehicle licensing conditions

Michael Murphy

Image credit: TaxiPoint

Taxi drivers licensed with Cheltenham Borough Council are calling for the licensing authority to delay the introduction of a new strict vehicle licensing condition due to the ongoing financial strain the industry is under.

Currently, the council has a new licensing rule due to come into force on 1 January 2022, which states that hackney carriages shall only be licensed if they are Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs).

A petition launched by local drivers, which has seen almost 800 cabbies sign, is calling for the council to delay such rules to help give cabbies the opportunity the secure their immediate financial future, as they continue to battle the impact which the pandemic has had on the taxi trade.

The petition, which ran from 18 March to 20 May 2021, states: “The council has been approached regarding the delay of the upcoming policy but has refused to show any understanding or compassion to the taxi trade. Most drivers have not been able to work properly for a year now and have received very little in the way of financial support.

“Councillor McKinlay has stated that the drivers have had enough time to save the money to buy a new WAV but the reality is that most drivers have had to use any savings to get them through this year. If there is no delay to the policy many drivers will be forced out of work. We would also like to point out that councillors got an automatic 1 year extension to their term of office due to this pandemic.”

A total of 793 people signed the petition which is due to be presented to Cheltenham Borough Council’s licensing committee.

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