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Perry Richardson

‘CABBIES NEED MORE TIME’ urges MSP as Glasgow City Council emissions deadline draws closer

Image credit: Ross Campbell

There have been urgent calls once again for Glasgow City Council to ease back on the rollout of new Low Emission Zone rules facing taxi drivers.

Glasgow Low Emissions Zone rules come into play next year and there are ongoing concerns being raised about the amount of taxis which could be left operating in the city as a result.

Unite Union Glasgow Cab Section have stressed that around 1,000 iconic taxi vehicles could be taken off the roads in one swoop if an additional extension to meet requirements isn’t implemented.

In a plea to Scotland’s Minister for Transport, Jenny Gilruth, a Unite Union spokesperson said: “Local authorities across the UK are delaying LEZ rollout due to financial and supply chain issues facing taxi ops. STILL Glasgow City Council digs its heels in on the cusp of a financial cataclysm.

“SNP Glasgow are you intent on scrapping over 1,000 taxi dr jobs? REALLY!!”

MSP Graham Simpson supported the need for a delay, saying: “Cabbies need more time, or we will lose them. It’s as simple as that."

The Scottish Hospitality Group also suggested industries like the taxi trade needed more time to recover from the financial effects of the pandemic. They said: “Something has to give to allow businesses to get back on their feet. Forcing undue debt onto a business at a time where recovery is needed and when banks and lenders are cautious, only drives business owners to despair adding to mental health issues and business failures.”

The Unite Union spokesperson added: “We are fielding calls daily from members at their wits end. Totally stressed, worrying about losing their livelihoods, as well as all the other cost of living pressures. It’s so unnecessary as Glasgow City Council can delay the rollout for another 12 months.”

As of Spring this year, out of the 1,420 taxis licensed by Glasgow City Council, around 1,000 did not meet the requirements set for next year's Low Emission Zone requirements.

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