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BLACK CAB DECLINE: ‘The Government understands the importance of accessible taxis’ says minister

Perry Richardson

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

The Government has acknowledged concerns over the declining number of black cabs and the potential impact on vulnerable groups, including the elderly and individuals with visual impairments or mobility issues.

Louie French MP recently questioned the Secretary of State for Transport on how these trends are being assessed.

Simon Lightwood, Department for Transport (DfT) Minister, highlighted the role of accessible taxis in supporting independent living for disabled and older people. He pointed to London and other major cities where all black cabs are wheelchair accessible, but recognised that a drop in cab numbers could affect overall accessibility in certain areas.

The Minister highlighted the responsibility for taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) licensing lies with local licensing authorities (LLAs). Lightwood urged LLAs to anticipate and address the diverse needs of passengers in their regions.

Lightwood said: “The Government understands the importance of accessible taxis and private hire vehicles (PHVs) in supporting older and disabled people to live independent lives. All taxis in London and several other large cities in England are wheelchair accessible and we recognise the potential negative effect the decline in their number may have on the overall accessibility of taxi and PHV services in areas affected.

“Ultimately, the licensing of taxis and PHVs is a matter for local licensing authorities (LLAs) and the Government expects them to anticipate the needs of people in their area proactively, and to ensure that services meet a wide range of passenger needs. In doing so, LLAs are encouraged to follow the government’s Best Practice Guidance on Taxi and PHV Licensing and to be mindful of their broader duties under the Equality Act 2010.”

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