Battle to curb illegal e-scooter usage continues with 25 seized during day of enforcement in London
Updated: Jun 13, 2021

Metropolitan Police have seized 25 e-scooters which were being ridden illegally in London during a day of enforcement action.
Metropolitan Police Service Westminster Team spent Thursday 10 June stopping e-scooter users in the capital's West End to check whether they were part of the Government trial scheme which allows the use of such motorised vehicles in selected public places.
Those found to be riding one illegally, saw their scooters seized.
A spokesperson for the force said via their official Twitter account @MPSWestminister: "After a day of enforcement, a total of 25 e-scooters were seized by the West End Proactive Partnership Team in an operation led by PC Asiya AZIZ and PS Gus Anyaegbuna.
"Unless part of the e-scooter trial, these devices are not legal to use in public."
Electric scooters come under the category of "powered transporters". This also covers a range of other personal transport devices which are powered by a motor.
"Powered transporters" fall within the legal definition of a motor vehicle under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Therefore, the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters.
As a motor vehicle, they must comply with various pieces of Road Traffic Legislation, including, but limited to:
driving with a licence
driving/riding with insurance
driving/riding other than on a road
need to be taxed.
It is not currently possible to get appropriate insurance for privately owned e-scooters, meaning it is illegal to use them on the road or in public spaces.