Barnardo’s launches London taxi and night-time economy toolkit to spot signs of child exploitation

Barnardo’s, the UK’s largest provider of child sexual exploitation support has launched a new toolkit designed to help night-time businesses spot signs of child exploitation.
The toolkit supports the free Nightwatch training delivered by Barnardo’s to safeguard children and young people from exploitation by increasing awareness among businesses and services working in the evening and through the night.
The toolkit explains what child exploitation is, why businesses should care and what people should do if they have concerns that a child is being exploited. It includes helpful checklists for businesses including hotels, licenced venues and taxi drivers to ensure they are fully equipped and knowledgeable about how to spot the signs of exploitation and how to respond to prevent children from being harmed.
Barnardo’s has launched the toolkit ahead of the gradual reopening of London’s night-time economy.
In the toolkit taxi drivers are urged to look at the six important points listed. If drivers support the checklist cabbies are then able to book themselves on a free Nightwatch training session. In the short session, Barnardo’s will teach taxi drivers what child exploitation is, how to spot the signs and how they can respond to prevent children being harmed.
Lynn Gradwell, Director for Barnardo’s London, said: “We know from our long expertise as the UK’s largest children’s charity that there is another side to the bustling fun of London’s night-time economy; one sadly where those who seek to harm and exploit children and young people use the hours of darkness as a time to operate.
“We are all too aware that child exploitation is under reported and using this toolkit could be the difference between someone coming to harm or receiving the help they need.”
Barnardo’s has provided training to over 1,000 night-time workers in London including the Met police and Transport for London. It has created a vital network of eyes and ears after dark that will help keep children and young people safe.
For further information about the free Barnardo’s Nightwatch training, please email or call 0207 790 4621.