Aberdeen Council consults on mixed taxi fleet offered to the public

Aberdeen City Council is seeking public and stakeholder feedback on the future of the city’s taxi fleet ahead of a Licensing Committee meeting on 14 May 2025.
The proposal suggests maintaining a 50/50 split between Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) and saloon cars. Under the current policy, all new taxi licence applications must be for WAVs, and this requirement is set to continue.
A waiting list system is being considered for existing licence holders who wish to switch from a WAV to a saloon vehicle. Those who have operated a WAV for at least five or ten years will be given priority. They will need to email the licensing authority at a specified date and time, with places on the list assigned in the order requests are received. Early submissions will not be accepted.
Once this initial stage is complete, remaining licence holders will have a later opportunity to register interest. When a saloon plate becomes available, the first person on the list will have seven days to confirm their interest. If they do not respond, they will move to the bottom of the list, and the next person will be contacted.
Those who confirm interest will have three months to apply to substitute a saloon vehicle onto their licence. Failure to do so will result in their name moving to the bottom of the list.