Over 100 London black taxis arriving home after Disneyland Paris trip for sick children

This year’s ‘Magical Taxi Tour’ is coming to a close today after Canary Wharf waved off a convoy of over 120 black cabs on Friday making their way to Disneyland Paris taking sick children on a trip of a lifetime. The tour began its 26th visit in East London on Friday 13 September, transporting over 200 children suffering from a range of chronic debilitating illnesses and life limiting conditions. The 3-day trip to Paris is put together by the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers and fully funded by donations.
The decorated convoy of taxis can stretch miles long when running on the motorways, and also includes City of London Police escorts, Gendarmerie Nationale, London Ambulance NHS Trust vehicles and AA breakdown trucks. Organised annually, this popular event is supported by taxi drivers giving their free time and use of their vehicles, plus the help of sponsors who meet the expenses of hotel, fuel, food, admission charges etc.

Save our Black Taxis said via Twitter: “Take a spoonful of #London #blacktaxis sprinkle them with some amazing children, their families and what do you have?... It’s the Magical Taxi Tour to @DisneylandParis Wishing everyone involved in this fantastic trip a wonderful weekend!”
Piers Morgan responded to the Tweet saying: “This is why I love London's black cabs - best taxi drivers in the world, with hearts of gold. Good luck to all of them this weekend. @MagicalTaxiTour”