London cabbies set to huff and puff their way to Brighton in aid of the London Taxi Drivers’ Charity

As part of the London Taxi Drivers' Charity for Children's (LTCFC) fundraising activities for 2019, a group of 15 riders, comprising LTCFC Committee Members, fellow taxi drivers and friends will be attempting the 55 mile London to Brighton Cycle Ride on Sunday 15 September.
According to charity sources, most of the participating Committee Members and their associates haven't ridden a bike since their teenage years, so the 55 mile course may prove challenging!
The aim is to raise a minimum of £5,000 to put towards the overall cost of the charity's Mad Hatter's Tea Party, which is held every January at the Grosvenor House Hotel.
This annual event treats over 600 children disadvantaged by physical/mental impairment or domestic/parental circumstance to a fun filled day that they will never forget. You can sponsor the charity’s cyclists to help fund the children’s party, by visiting their website.