Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell says Uber is a disgrace
According to reports in the EveningStandard during a Labour conference, shadow chancellor, John McDonnell said "Uber is a disgrace"
With the debate hotting up over TFL's decision not to issue a new license to Uber once their current one runs out at the end of the month, a number of Labour members have had their say.
The leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn said "Transport for London had raised serious concerns about safety but suggested Uber had an opportunity to mend its ways"
Lee McCluskey, Unite union boss said "Uber were part of a horrible race-to-the-bottom culture "
Both Mr McDonnell and Mr Corbyn claimed they don't think they have ever used an Uber, with McDonnell saying;
"The company is a disgrace. You have to abide by the law. If a company was outside the law, what could Transport for London do?"
He followed on to say;
"I think the company is at fault here. Four months ago they were told to get their act together and they didn't"
As reported in the Evening Standard, Jeremy Corbyn told BBC's Andrew Marr show, the dispute was either going to go to court or they are going to mend their ways and make a new application and TFL will have to reconsider.
Ubers current license ends on the 30th of September.