Perry RichardsonJun 3, 20223 min readSECOND LARGEST MONTHLY INCREASE EVER: May sees 11p a litre increase in petrol prices
Perry RichardsonJun 2, 20222 min readHIGH TAXI DEMAND: Cabbies say PASSENGERS should now pay taxi booking fees
Perry RichardsonJun 1, 20221 min readPLATINUM ICONS: LEVC showcases three platinum electric TX taxis at Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant
Perry RichardsonMay 31, 20221 min readSPEED TRAP: Motorists warning others on social media or flashing headlights face £1,000 fines
Jamie MackenzieMay 29, 20229 min readFREEING UP THE CROWDED ROADS: Why the taxi industry is a SOLUTION to the problem
Perry RichardsonMay 28, 20223 min readCOULD YOU BE A TAXI SPECIALIST? Several ways cabbies can target specific niche markets
Perry RichardsonMay 28, 20222 min readDRIVEN TO ANGER! Research reveals Londoners to be most hot-tempered behind the wheel
Perry RichardsonMay 27, 20222 min readUBER ONE: A new membership programme launches offering discounted Uber rides and delivery
Perry RichardsonMay 27, 20224 min readENERGY CRISIS: Cost of electric vehicle Rapid Chargers accelerates up 21% in last eight months
Perry RichardsonMay 26, 20222 min readEdinburgh minicab driver agrees to pay Crown £1 after benefitting from £600,000 in life of crime
Perry RichardsonMay 26, 20221 min readEAZI DOES IT: Taxi and PHV tax experts Eazitax launch specialised Apple and Android mobile app
Perry RichardsonMay 25, 20222 min readRECORD FUEL PRICES: ‘The pain isn’t over yet’ warns fuel experts as costs continue to rocket
Perry RichardsonMay 25, 20226 min readICABBI'S TAXI ALLIANCE LAUNCHED: What is it and how will it affect the industry?
Perry RichardsonMay 24, 20223 min readEdinburgh taxi drivers to carry life-saving Naloxone drug to help reverse effects of overdose
Perry RichardsonMay 24, 20221 min readSTEP CLOSER TO ALL TAXIS: Uber signs deal in Italy putting 12,000 licensed taxis on its platform
Perry RichardsonMay 23, 20222 min readLEVC partners with Geotab to provide integrated telematics with all new electric taxis and vans
Perry RichardsonMay 23, 20221 min readAPPG EXPANDING NATIONWIDE: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Taxis set to open up membership
Perry RichardsonMay 22, 20221 min readPolice investigate Glasgow city centre taxi rank brawl which leaves man hospitalised
Perry RichardsonMay 19, 20222 min readLEVC celebrates 7,000 global TX taxi sales with offer of FREE taxi rides around the capital