David SweeneyOct 18, 20233 min readTHE TAXI INSURER: When and when are you not covered by taxi insurance?
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Perry RichardsonOct 9, 20233 min readTaxi app FREENOW introduces unique accident and sickness benefits for the UK’s black cab drivers
Perry RichardsonOct 8, 20233 min readSoaring global oil prices push UK diesel and petrol prices up 8p in September
Perry RichardsonOct 8, 20232 min readPatons Insurance guides taxi drivers through different levels of insurance cabbies should consider
Perry RichardsonSep 30, 20234 min readElectric Vehicle (EV) charging costs expected to FALL as electricity prices lower, says RAC
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Perry RichardsonSep 26, 20232 min readUK considers implementation of ‘Anti-Braking’ speed cameras to catch speeding in lead up to camera
Perry RichardsonSep 25, 20231 min readTaxi drivers CAN invoice Guide Dogs a ‘reasonable’ amount if service animals soil their cabs
Perry RichardsonSep 19, 20232 min readTAXI SOILING CHARGES: Civic or criminal courts if a passenger disputes payment?
Perry RichardsonSep 18, 20232 min readENDING HAND-HELD PHONE USAGE IN TAXIS: Is it time to make having a phone cradle mandatory?
Perry RichardsonSep 12, 20232 min readEXPERT OPINION: The impact of ride-hailing apps like Uber and Bolt on the insurance market
Perry RichardsonSep 12, 20233 min readGOVERNMENT CRACKDOWN: Drivers being warned to avoid FRAUDULENT garages performing illegal MOTs
Perry RichardsonSep 11, 20232 min readTAXI CASH FLOAT: How much cash is needed to operate a taxi on a daily shift?
Perry RichardsonSep 10, 20233 min readFUEL PUMP PRICES SOARING: Petrol and diesel prices reach record highs
Perry RichardsonSep 9, 20232 min readWhy cheaper taxi vehicles doesn’t actually mean bigger profit margins for drivers