Perry Richardson21 hours ago2 min readREVEALED: How many miles on average do taxi drivers travel each year?
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readUK’s Crackdown on Phone Theft: Could it unfairly target honest taxi drivers?
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Perry Richardson6 days ago3 min readUNLOCKING POTENTIAL: How full access could revitalise the taxi industry
Perry Richardson7 days ago2 min readAirport Runs or Local Jobs? What’s the best strategy for taxi driver ‘Kipper Season’?
Perry Richardson7 days ago1 min readDetectives appeal for information after taxi driver shot by two masked men in West Belfast
Perry RichardsonFeb 223 min readCar insurance costs fall and experts give top tips on how to secure the best deal
Perry RichardsonFeb 212 min readNearly half of all UK taxi drivers hit by costly passenger vomiting incidents, survey reveals
Perry RichardsonFeb 202 min readNEW MAXICAB TAXI: Scotland’s First Minister backs the launch of fully electric black cab
Perry RichardsonFeb 192 min readDiscover why LOYALTY can be a key driver to LOWER taxi fleet insurance costs over time
Perry RichardsonFeb 181 min readEV transition divides taxi and private hire industry as infrastructure and costs raise concerns
Perry RichardsonFeb 162 min readVision Warning for Motorists: Keep a spare pair of glasses in your taxi or car
Perry RichardsonFeb 152 min readMP questions Minister about the impact should Government choose to axe Plug-in Taxi Grant this April
Perry RichardsonFeb 146 min readTaxi manufacturer LEVC urges government to rethink importance of funding as electric cab grant faces axe
Perry RichardsonFeb 142 min readINDUSTRY PRESSURES: First National Taxi and Private Hire Driver Survey highlights concerns from cross border hiring to driver safeguarding
Perry RichardsonFeb 112 min readKeep your electric taxis and cars running smoothly with these simple maintenance checks
Perry RichardsonFeb 102 min readDECADES OF TAXI CARD PAYMENT EVOLUTION: From an expensive clunky offering to slick contactless cheaper solutions